Friday, October 7, 2011

Felicity is a fibber

Every Wednesday night we try and have family night. All the boys and wonderful girlfriends and friends.
Last Wednesday we had one son, three girlfriends, and one girlfriend's parents.
It was a great night.
Fel and I stayed up and solved the world's problems. There could have been a bit of alcohol involved.
Mark bailed and slept downstairs, Fel and I slept together.
Mark come up in the morning and sat on the end of the bed. I looked over at the other lump in the bed and got a tad confused, thought Mark was multiplying.
He went and made tea, I got up, bent over and farted. Charming really.
Fel said she didn't hear anything. If she didn't hear anything, why did she say something?
She lied.

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Never give too much away

Marie has said many times when she's been a tad annoyed with people, and this happens very regularly.
"I've given them a piece of my mind".
Ooops, too generous maybe.

Saturday, October 1, 2011

Marie's disappearing

Mark's mum,  my mother-in-law, the boys' granny has just been diagnosed with Alzheimers.
What a shocker of a disease.
There are some funny/sad moments.
We are constantly rung to say her phone doesn't work. Unfortunately it's usually 2/3/4 or 5am.
She recently bought a smoke alarm, had it installed.  She said, "Look at my new smoke alarm". We were all looking at it admiringly she then asked "What's that?'
Overseas fraudsters have been conning her, my personal favourites are ;  Mr. Ca$$hman,  Marie de Fortune, her clairvoyant from the Netherlands,  Monsieur de Monney and Dr. Georges who has given her a lot of money in the form of astral cheques.
The gifts (for a small administration fee!) have been pretty gobsmacking. The one that weighs your soul takes the cake.
A company called Mineralis sends her foot balm, head balm, probably poo balm.
We were advised to have her mail diverted. Done that, our poor mailman now delivers a truck load of stuff to us daily, better give him a big Chrissie pressie.
She outsmarted us and opened a PO box, so the diverted mail was re-diverted, it now has been re-re-diverted back to us.
Marie who was once a very independent, intelligent, organised woman is disappearing.
Unfortunately she's getting closer to that maximum security home for the terminally bewildered, El Plotto Losto.

God's a good sport

The local churches in Manly have postponed services, opened their doors, installed widescreen TVs and invited everyone in to watch the Rugby League footy final.
Manly versus the NZ Warriors.
We're having a barbie, Maroon and White snorkers (Manly colours) Classy!
Up the Sea Eagles.