Saturday, October 23, 2010

We hadn't had him for long

Still in bed, just had another flash back.
When Jamie was really little, only 3 weeks old, and we hadn't been out to dinner in ages. Well at least a week before he was born. That's a month all up.
We were living in Melbourne and the best Chinese then, probably still is, The Flower Drum. So off we toddled with Jamie and had a yummy meal. He was so quiet we put him under the table.
Finished dins, back to the car and thought, gosh, what's missing?  Got the wallet, handbag, keys.. back seat empty, those days you just used to sticky tape them to the back seat. Anyway forgot the baby.
That's embarrassing!
Mark and I had a major blue as to who would go back inside for him.  Muggins lost, in I trot and say "Hello, I've left something, is anyone sitting at our table yet? Can I have a quick squiz? "
Because it was a quality establishment they had tablecloths that hung down really low, so I scrambled underneath our table and dragged Jamie out, pretending I had a really big handbag that looked like a cabbage patch doll.
We were only just getting used to having him around.

1 comment:

  1. Ahh, so when you left them with me and the other strangers for that weekend in San Francisco, this wasn't peculiar after all...part of the program...Loving your blog xoxo Jan
