Sunday, November 6, 2011

Claire is 96 and nifty

Everyone looks out for Claire. She's 96 and lives on the beach front, nearly blind and walks up and down the promenade every day.
The whole community keeps an eye out and helps her cross roads, carry her bags and just generally enjoys her loveliness.
She's as smart as paint.
We met her while walking our dogs and the joke was we were just looking after them for her. Unfortunately Barney, eldest dog, always peed on her shoes, she did smell like little old lady juice. We just thought she got home with very squelchy feet.
Anyway today Claire was coming home I spotted her and dragged her in to our local bar because the heavens opened up and there was no way could she get home in the rain.  She had a six pack in her walker, no raincoat.  She doesn't drink on a Monday. 
I noticed a young bloke was wearing his surfboard as a rain hat. I asked if he would let Claire walk in front of him under cover to her apartment.
He did.
It was an hysterical sight.
20 year old  gorgeous bloke, surf board on his head, really, really old lady on a walker in front under his protective cover. The rain was torrential. It took him 15 minutes,  he well deserved a round. Don't you just love the kindness of strangers.
His name is Billy and his mother would be very proud of him. I am.

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