Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Ferry nice

Sorrento for lunch We took the ferry to Sorrento from Naples. Don't you find that people who are waiting at terminals all have the same look? The moosh that looks like they've just smelled their grandma's fart. There was one really annoying kid on the boat, Mark said 'lucky they've taken lots of photos, they will have something to remember when I push her off the boat'. Sorrento is absolutely beautiful. We took a cab from the pier to the town, should have cost about 3eu. There was a lift that only cost 1eu. Because we are genius' we took a cab. The driver suggested some dodgy restaurant probably owned by a toothless family member, we declined and the fare went up to 15eu for a three minute trip. Thank god we are not negotiating for the Greek economy. The restaurant Un Bufalito was extraordinary. Buffalo mozzarella is the specialty around there. Never fancied milking a buffalo myself, but you know those crazy Amalfians. When you put your fork into the mozzarella ball it just oozes milk, that sounds gross, but it was fabby. The owner was great character. Two fiancées, one Australian, one American. Married the American, studied in Parsons, Has a art gallery, a specialty food produce shop and a fine restaurant. Bit of a renaissance man. Back on the ferry, forgot to say that Pad had a couple of dips in the Bay of Naples. Home off to sleep after a couple of vinos and then tomorrow. Ciao

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