Friday, December 10, 2010

Mum the dog whisperer

Mum and dad have always had unusual pets.
Katy, the beagle, nicked dad's false teeth from the glass jar by the bed. She ran around the house with them in her gob, flashing a very rakish smile.
Dad caught her, reefed them off her and put them straight back in his mouth. Yicky.
We had orange shag pile carpet in the rumpus room when we were growing up, our very intelligent dogs used to try to bury their bones in it. So, every time we had people over someone had to rake the carpet so guests wouldn't hurt their feet.
Benny and Harry, their last dogs used to go berko when the phone rang,  they'd jump up and bite you on the bottom when you answered it. So mum would try to out run the dogs to the phone, yelling and screaming "Ow, ow, stop it, stop it!"
Harry was a most unfortunate looking shitzu/maltese. His lower  jaw stuck out with one big tooth that shot up over his upper lip.  I thought it looked like he'd had a stroke. I used to worry about him in the rain, thought he might drown. He also refused to walk, so mum and dad's great idea was to carry him around the block.

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