Friday, November 19, 2010

First date

In 1977 I was working at David Jones as an assistant buyer in the stationery department.
My career was off to a huge start.
Mark was General Manager of Greetings at John Sands, a card company.  I figured out he was in charge of saying "Hi".
He was also at North Ryde Psychiatric Hosy. (Doctor, not inmate).  Great combination.
Anyway, John Sands took out the stationery dept, of DJ's Australia, for a Christmas knees up on a harbour cruise.
I met Mark and thought, "He's a bit of alright".
Then the buyer from Mackay got in a clinch with the captain, unfortunately mid clinch, we were heading for the rocks, I pointed this out to Captain Groper, and he dropped said buyer literally and retook control of the vessel.
She fell from the steering seat, splat.
Didn't move for a bit.  First time she was quiet.
Doctor of Greetings had to look after her, said he didn't have a car (lost shitloads of interest, how in the hell do you go out with someone on a bus?) and could someone drive them to the hospital.
Next day, he rang me for a date, I thought "Of course, another one bites the dust"
Went to Vlados in Paddo, meat, meat and more meat. Loved it. Got engaged six weeks later. Now  married 32 years.
Only found out on my wedding day, he'd been paid to take me out to find out why John Sands didn't get the DJ's account.

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